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Thursday, July 17, 2008


Republicans often get accused of being anti-immigration or even anti-immigrant because of their opposition to illegal immigration. This is frankly just not true. This country was built by immigrants. People from all the corners of the world have come to America with different cultures but all with the same dream to be able to live free in America. All of their cultures have mixed and they formed a new and distinct American culture. I welcome immigrants to this country and I think our government should make it easier for good people who want to contribute to and join our society to immigrate here. I am still however opposed to illegal immigration. These people come over here and recieve the benefits that we should get as tax paying citizens. They however recieve these benfits without paying taxes. They also often commit crimes and sue employers because the employers "don't respect their culture and religion." This is crap. If the job requires things that go against your religion then common sensse would dictate that you shouldn't take that job. Right? Well they aparently think that this means that they should sue their employer. It just doesn't make any sense. Anyways when I think about legal immigration I like to think about this song:

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