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Thursday, May 15, 2008

McCains V.P.

Who do you think Senator McCain should choose for his running mate? I'd love to have a good debate in the comments section. Some names that have been commonly mentioned are Tim Pawlenty the Governor of Minnesota and Mike Huckabee the former Governor of Arkansas and former presidential candidate.


Anonymous said...

Hey! I think it would be cool to have either Tim Palenty, because he is a Minnesotan, or Mike Huckabee, because Chuck Norris endorces him, as McCain's Vice President.

You know what's hard to play?!? The flute.

Drew, please bring some kind of ID tomorrow so we can go on the computer en espaƱol.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Charlie I can't find it.

Haysoos said...

Ayudame estoy en fuego!

Neo-libertarian said...

Hey "Republican teen" (by the way, that is probably the worst screen name that I have ever heard) any way, as far as who should run as vp for John McCain, I really have to say that nancy pelosi seems to be the best, at least she knows how to correctly allocate money, to keep it in the united states, not just fight a stupid war with it, that accomplishes nothing except make other countries mad at us. P.S. I assume you will respond to this and we can have a blog debate, won't that be fun. DON'T YOU DARE DELETE THIS OR ELSE!!!!!!

Neo-libertarian said...

I forgot to say this in my first message, but you really shouldn't have a survey that say's how bad our president is...

Anonymous said...

So I assume you're a Ron Paul supporter since you are a libertarian. You're wrong about the war you know. Did you know that unemployment in Iraq before the war was around 60%? Now it is down near 20%.

Neo-libertarian said...

No I am not a ron paul supporter, and I only call my self Neo-libertarian beacuse I like to think of myself as a new libertarian, with certain Ideals that are not strictly liberal, such as being more fiscally conservative, and not as much government control as other liberals.

Neo-libertarian said...

Oh, and by the way, the reason that the employment rate jumped so much, if that is real, is that they are employed as gunman in the gangs. Oh, and by the way, did you hear that the surge only worked because at the time it started, the two armies declared a cease fire for a few months until after the surge began slowing down...

Republican Teen said...

Good cause I can't stand those Ron Paul people. They're annoying! I just made a new post relating to the war in Iraq. You should check it out.

Neo-libertarian said...

Where is the post on Iraq, I can't find it, you need to make your site more navigable

Republican Teen said...

Hit the refresh button it's the newest post.

Neo-libertarian said...

Never mind, I found it, and it was stupid. Plus, it is clear that if it were porsay, hackabee, and, barrack obama, there would be not ever a conest, however, I have to say it is a close match as far as that particular debate is concerned. Typical republican, always trying to get off the easy way, try making it a fairer contest next time.

Anonymous said...

Drew, you got to face the facts. Ridiculous assumptions will bring you no where.

Taylor has won this debate.

I have to agree with Taylor. You should of picked a better user name.
